This function shows the information of the control unit such as system description, hardware number, software number, software version and much more. To access it follow the instructions:
Search for the information you need. By holding on the value information will be copied to clipboard.
It must also be noted that in the Control Unit Information you may have the option to update your ODX files. It's information in different files (XML). The Open Diagnostic eXchange format (ODX) is an XML-based ASAM standard for describing diagnostically relevant ECU data. Vehicle, ECU and tester manufacturers can use the uniform, OEM-independent ODX format to describe and exchange ECU diagnostic data.
These files are provided by the manufacturer and are used by the OBD11 application to view information about the control unit. Different versions MAY show different data, the version has no impact on your vehicle other than possibly showing more or less information dependent on how the ODX File has been created by the manufacturer.