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Long coding
Edvinas avatar
Written by Edvinas
Updated over a week ago

Long Coding is used to set various options in a Control Module. Some Modules require a valid Security access code before you can re-code them. To access this function follow the instructions below:

  • Connect to your vehicle by pressing


  • Open the list of control units by pressing


  • Open the needed control unit by tapping on it


  • Open Long Coding by pressing


  • In the marked section

    , you will find long coding with the descriptions that are provided by the OBDeleven community. Information can be inaccurate.

  • In the marked section

    , you will find different format long coding, this type of coding doesn’t provide any descriptions. Long Coding can be changed in raw bytes/bits format.

The use of community section


  • In this section, you will find various functions with the descriptions that are provided by the OBDeleven community that means descriptions of these functions might be inaccurate.

  • Select the needed function by tapping on it


  • Select the needed value from the list and apply the changes by swiping to the right


  • You will receive a notification "Success" which means that the changes were applied.

The use of RAW (byte/bits) section


  • The selected byte is displayed bigger than other bytes, it is of the reason that the byte is selected and opened. The color of the byte is green because the changes were done in this byte. The green color will disappear after the changes will be saved and installed in the control unit. You can also change the byte by pressing or swiping to the left or right.

  • You can open the whole long coding value of the selected control unit by pressing

    . It is easier to copy/paste the new/old value with this method.

  • displays the selected byte number. You can press on it and you will be able to enter the byte number which can be opened.

  • displays the byte in HEX format. Press on it in order to change from HEX to DEC format.

  • Below are displayed bits. Every byte has 8 bits starting to count from 0.

  • the green check mark means newly installed bit in the control unit.

  • unmarked bit means that the bit is not installed in the control unit.

  • already marked bit means that he is already installed in the control unit.

  • function will install/uninstall bits from the control unit by swiping to the right on the marked bit.

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