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Getting started with OBDeleven
Learn everything you need to know before getting and using OBDeleven
What is OBDeleven?
Where can I buy OBDeleven device?
Does OBDeleven support my vehicle?
Which features will work in my country?
Which device do I need? What is the difference between devices, PRO, and ULTIMATE Packs?
Do I need the PRO VAG subscription?
Which OBDeleven mobile app should I use for my car?
What Android/iOS versions are needed to use OBDeleven?
Does OBDeleven work with VAG and BMW vehicles manufactured from 2024?
How to activate the PRO VAG plan, ULTIMATE VAG plan, or Credits from the code?
Can I use the same login for both OBDeleven mobile apps?
What features are available for BMW?
Can I use my Credits or PRO/ULTIMATE VAG plan on both OBDeleven mobile apps?
How to buy Credits on the OBDeleven mobile app?
Are there any extra costs after purchasing the device?
How to connect my vehicle to the OBDeleven mobile app?
Can I use my OBDeleven device with multiple vehicles?